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Get Involved!

The FOOD Friends team of the Order of Malta is seeking enthusiastic home cooks to participate in a monthly service opportunity. The team prepares and delivers meals to needy San Francisco families.

Reach out to to learn more and join our team!

What You Can Do

Choose an item from the monthly menu and prepare portions of that item in your own home.

Volunteer drivers will pick up the food item from you, if you are unable to deliver to the service venue.

Why Volunteer

When You Can Volunteer

You can volunteer whenever you have free time.

There is no obligation to participate from month-to-month.

Make a difference in the lives of others.

Share your love of cooking with others.

Be a part of a team that is making a difference in the community.


Join the FOOD Friends Team and LIVE the spirit of the Gospel of Matthew: “For I was hungry and you gave me food…”

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